传统的果园篱笆围墙一般以刺槐为主,但刺槐会加重果树炭疽病、根腐病和紫纹羽病的发生,且造成果园通风透光不良,阻碍果树生长。从各方面综合考虑,作果园篱笆围墙的树种当首推花椒树。 1.花椒树枝干上不仅有密集锐利的针刺,而且可以培养为丛状树形,成行栽植在果园周围容易形成树篱,人畜等难以随便进入果园。 2,花椒属小乔木,根系分布较浅,较少与果树争肥水光。 3.花椒树除蚜虫危害较重外,其它病虫
The traditional orchard fence fence is generally dominated by black locusts, but Robinia pseudoacacia will increase anthracnose, root rot and purple pattern feather disease, and cause orchards ventilation and poor light, hinder the growth of fruit trees. Considered from all aspects, as the fence fence orchard trees should be the most important pepper tree. 1. Pepper stems on the stem is not only dense and intensive acupuncture, and can be cultivated as a clump of trees, planted around the orchard easy to form hedges, livestock and other difficult to easily enter the orchard. 2, Capsicum is a small tree, root system is shallow, less contention with fruit trees water. 3. Pepper tree in addition to aphids more serious harm, other pests