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国学大师梁启超说过:“一个人的学生时代能否养成读书兴趣和读书习惯是件大事,将影响其一生的幸福和发展。”学好语文仅靠一套课本是远远不够的,也很难达到让学生多阅读、多吸收的目的,要引导学生广泛阅读各类优秀作品。为了实现课程标准规定的每生初中三年课外阅读总量不少于260万字的要求,苏教版初中语文教材编写组又编写了一套与语文教材同步的辅助教材《语文读本》。本套读本作为初中语文教材内容的必要补充,能激发学生的阅读兴趣,开拓学生的阅读视野,从而提高学生的阅读质量。 Liang Qichao, a master of national studies, said: “The ability to develop reading interests and reading habits in a student’s student age is a major event that will affect his life’s happiness and development.” "Learning to learn a language is not enough. It is also difficult to achieve the goal of allowing students to read more and absorb more, and guide students to read a wide range of excellent works. In order to fulfill the requirement of curriculum standards that the total number of extra-curricular readings for each junior high school student should be no less than 2.6 million words per year, the Jiangsu Education Edition junior middle school textbook compilation group has also compiled a set of supplementary textbooks, “Language Reader,” that is synchronized with the Chinese language textbooks. This set of books as a necessary supplement to the content of junior middle school Chinese teaching materials, can stimulate students’ interest in reading, open up students’ reading horizons, and thus improve the quality of students’ reading.
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初中化学教师要提高化学教学质量,必须熟悉新课程的内容和编排特点及考试对学生的要求.因此,只有充分的利用好新教材、把握教学目标,才能让学生掌握知识,适应社会环境;才能提高教师的教学质量.那么,怎样才能上好新课程呢?  一、放下旧课标,吃透新课标和新教材  化学课程标准是编写化学教材、化学教学、考试评价的依据.化学课程标准中的内容标准则是学生科学素养发展的“最基础的学习要求”.因此,无论是从育人的角度
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我对这套《士兵阅读丛书》(总政治部宣传部编,解放军出版社2007年5月版)中的大部分内容非常熟悉,像《军旅楷模》,收录了从土地革命,到抗日战争、解 I am familiar with most