数码摄影这门技术近来成了城中热门话题。 为造就更多商机,不少印刷厂及制作公司,纷纷涉足数码摄影领域,以‘一条龙’为卖点,在已有的服务项目中,加入数码摄影一环,由印前、印刷到印后均无所不包,吸引客户之余,也为攻占市场作最充分准备。 观其优厚潜力及发展趋势,数码摄影在可见的将来应该大有可为。对有意投入其中而又无从入手的公司而言,先来个全面认识,了解其利弊,然后再作选择,似乎是目前可走的第一步。
The technology of digital photography has recently become a hot topic in the city. To create more business opportunities, many printing companies and production companies have set foot in the field of digital photography to “train through” as a selling point. In the existing service projects, we have joined the digital photography circle from prepress to printing All inclusive, to attract customers, but also to capture the market for the fullest preparation. Viewing its great potential and development trend, digital photography should be promising in the foreseeable future. For a company that is willing to invest in it and can not start it, it seems that the first step to take a comprehensive understanding of its pros and cons and then to make choices again.