Nor-Shipping 2013

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  The predecessor of the Nor-Shipping trade fair was organised for the first time as Deck and Engine Room in the early 1960s by Norwegian Industrial Fairs(now Norway Trade Fairs) in cooperation with the magazine Skip. This event stayed entirely national on the first two occasions it was staged, focusing more on Norwegian seafarers and their shipboard workplace than on wider aspects.
  Organised with the support of Selvig’s Norwegian Shipping News journal, the event was renamed as the first International Shipping Exhibition before it opened in Oslo during May 1965. A slump in maritime markets in the late 1960s meant that the next exhibition was not staged until late May 1968. The Nor- Shipping name, now so familiar, was first applied for the third event in 1971.
  Nor-Shipping is today an important meeting place for companies from across the entire maritime value chain and from around the globe. If your business falls within our main theme areas, you will fit right in at the exhibition. These are: IT and navigation; safety and rescue; shipbuilding and repair; maritime services and logistics; and propulsion and machinery. For those who are more focused on the commercial side of the industry, our conferences have proven to be a big draw.The international potential for a shipping exhibition in Norway was spotted by a Norwegian shipowner and magazine publisher, Per Selvig. He contacted Edvard Mowinckel- Larsen, then head of Norwegian Industrial Fairs, to propose a broader and more international focus for the next maritime exhibition.
  Nor-Shipping 2013 from June 4th-7th was truly a week to remember. The Nor-Shipping team extends its heartfelt appreciation to all exhibitors, visitors, partners, sponsors, conference speakers– and more. The list of those who played an integral part of the week’s success is naturally quite long because more happened than ever before at this event week, which expanded to include a dizzying array of activities and elements –both those organized by Nor-Shipping as well as the wider maritime community.
阿联酋迪拜国家展览中心宽敞、灵活,拥有现代化的设计风格。展厅面积庞大,设计灵活,可以举办各式各样的展览以及活动。颇具匠心的是,每个展厅的前端可部分移动,以供表演之用,并配备电脑设施。展馆更由于周到的服务、富有想象力的会议与餐饮设施而得到称赞。  展览中心的会议室装修融合阿拉伯特色与现代风格于一体,适合举办各类会议、宴会与大型活动。会议中心最多可容纳宾客1000人,并且可以极为灵活地分隔为两个、三个
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引言  2013年5月30日下午,第二届中国(北京)国际服务贸易交易会会展板块的亮点之一——出展论坛在国家会议中心隆重举行。本届论坛由中国会展经济研究会牵头,邀请政府会展管理机构负责人、国内知名组展公司和设计搭建企业,从各个层面分析了中国目前海外自办展的趋势并分享未来展望。  中国会展经济研究会会长袁再青首先对论坛流程做了介绍,并总结了中国外贸形势,不仅需要引进来,更需要走出去,指明了在海外举办自
土耳其国会国际会展中心是土耳其首都安卡拉的重要建筑之一,总体可用面积为八万平方米,其中展厅面积为一万平方米,是城内举办国际性展览的理想选择。  会展中心内有一个大礼堂,舞台面积达1200平方米。礼堂内的座位设置得别具匠心,既可用于大型会议、商务会议,亦可举办各类优质与高标准的表演活动。在展馆的会议室内,也充满了人性化的设施。参会代表可以记笔记、用手提电脑、互联网、耳塞等等。在舞台的后端安装了电梯,
阿姆斯特丹会议中心是荷兰最大的会议与展览中心,可租用面积为106,500平方米。场内设置灵活,是举办会议、公司聚会与其他活动的绝佳选择。场馆内所有的空间都是多功能的,并且可以根据活动进行相应的改造。所有房间均配备空调。会议室为64个,总共可容纳1750名代表。11个多功能厅可用于举办展览、商业展会与文化、体育及各类活动。整体而言,场馆相当舒适、设计现代,可满足企业的不同商务需求。  此外,阿姆斯特
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