又是一个金秋十月,举世瞩目 的中国’99昆明世界园艺博 览会闭幕恰好一周年。在刚刚过去的国庆“黄金周”7天时间内,名闻遐迩的世博园接待了11.6万人,其中近80%是慕名而来的省外和海外游客,门票收入约600万元。这组数据显示了世博会后续效应带来的巨大魅力。
It is also a golden autumn October, world-renowned China ’99 Kunming World Horticultural Exposition just the first anniversary. In the just past National Day “Golden Week” 7 days, the world famous Expo received 116,000 people, of which nearly 80% are attracted from outside the province and overseas tourists, ticket sales of about 6000000 yuan. This set of data shows the great charm of the follow-up effect of the Expo.