我们是在“时代问题”和“理论问题”的双重挤压之下 ,进入“马克思哲学的当代价值”这一论题的。“形而上学成为怪影”是我们时代马克思哲学遭遇的时代问题。与之相关 ,马克思哲学的当代价值 ,也绝非某种幽灵式的“徘徊不定” ,或者某种异质化的“解构游戏” ;而是坚定不移地破除各种形而上学的怪影 ,以彰显人存在和他的世界的现实关系。这是一个不断破除种种形而上学怪影的理论问题。惟有如此 ,才能彰显马克思哲学的当代价值。
We are entering the thesis of “the contemporary value of Marx’s philosophy” under the dual squeeze of “the question of the times” and “the issue of the theory.” “Metaphysics Becomes a Strange Shadow” is a Time Problem Encountered by Marx’s Philosophy in Our Times. Relatedly, the contemporary value of Marxist philosophy is not by any means a ghostly “wandering” or a heterogeneous “deconstruction game”; instead, it resolutely breaks away from the metaphysical strange metaphysics to Highlighting the reality of human existence and his world. This is a theoretical issue that constantly breaks all kinds of strange metaphysics. Only in this way can we demonstrate the contemporary value of Marx’s philosophy.