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Experimental data on cathodeluminescence of 34 individual specimens of naturallyoccurring apatite differring in the mode of occurrence are presented in this pap
Experiments have been conducted over a wide range of temperature and pressure(300--950℃, 500--2000 bars) in attempting to gain some better understanding of the
<正> 舌骨下肌群肌皮瓣是近十年来出现的一种新型皮瓣,1980年由王弘士等人首先提出。国内至今报道较少。我们从1987年开始,有选择性地应用该皮瓣于9例口腔颌面恶性肿瘤颌颈联
Tiermomagnetic measurements were conducted on 13 samples of Quaternary volcanic rocks of different episodes from three separate localities by Thellier&#39;s met
<正> Ascites这个字来源于Askos,希腊意为袋子。Hippocrates描述为:“当肝脏充满了液体,这过多的液体就流入腹腔,所以肚子就充满液体,死亡也随之到来”。这种直观知识,现在得