国内三大汽车试验场之一的中国人民解放军总后勤部汽车试验场,座落于安徽省定远县境内,是我军唯一的综合性汽车试验基地。 该试验场占地面积雄居亚洲之首。场区面积约7平方公里,拥有各种试验道路近40公里,高速环道、扭曲路、卵石路、搓板路、山路、越野路,凸凹不平的坏路以及综合性能试验路为汽车进行滑行、动力性能、燃料经济性及汽车制动性能等性能试验提供了条件。根据试验场发展设想,还将
The PLA General Logistics Department Automobile Test Station, one of the three major automobile test stations in China, is located in Dingyuan County, Anhui Province. It is the only comprehensive automobile test base for our military. The test site covers an area of Asia first. With an area of about 7 square kilometers, it has nearly 40 kilometers of test roads, high-speed loop roads, twisted roads, pebble roads, washboard roads, mountain roads, off-road roads, rugged roads and comprehensive performance test roads for taxiing, Power performance, fuel economy and performance testing of automobile braking and other properties provided the conditions. According to the test site development plan, will also