
来源 :农业现代化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leng36318
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本文利用1949-2009年全国31个省(市,自治区)稻谷种植面积、总产量及单产资料,分析全国稻谷种植面积重心、总产量重心以及单产重心的移动轨迹、偏移距离等。结果表明:(1)1949-2009年,稻谷种植面积重心、总产量重心,整体上均呈现出向东北方向移动的趋势。(2)稻谷单产重心偏移轨迹从东西方向来看,20世纪50、60年代先向东偏移,此后逐渐向西回归;从南北方向上来看,单产重心呈现波动上升、下降趋势,大约在33°N-34°N之间移动。(3)从重心总偏移距离来看,种植面积最小,总产量次之,单产最大;从偏移方向来看,三者均是向东北、西南方向偏移的年份居多,说明稻谷生产东北、西南方向的发展不平衡状态较西北、东南方向的严重。(4)稻谷种植面积和总产量在南北方向上的动态变化相对东西向的变化剧烈,而单产则是东西向的变化比南北向的变化剧烈。 In this paper, the planting area, total yield and yield of paddy in 31 provinces (cities and autonomous regions) of China from 1949 to 2009 were analyzed to analyze the center of gravity, the center of total output and the trajectory and offset distance of the center of yield of paddy. The results showed as follows: (1) From 1949 to 2009, the center of gravity and the center of gravity of rice planting area all showed the trend of moving to the northeast. (2) From the east and the west, the trajectory of the center of grain yield per unit area shifted eastwards in the 1950s and 1960s and then gradually returned to the west. From the north-south direction, the center of gravity of the yield increased and then decreased, 33 ° N-34 ° N. (3) From the total center of gravity shift distance, the planting area is the smallest, followed by the total output, the largest yield; from the direction of migration, the three are mostly offset to the northeast and southwest directions, indicating that the production of rice in Northeast China In the southwest, the imbalance in development is more serious than in the northwest and southeast. (4) The dynamic change of rice acreage and total output in the north-south direction changes drastically from east to west while the change of east-west yield is more severe than that of north-south direction.
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