Formation Control of Mobile Robots with Active Obstacle Avoidance

来源 :自动化学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiji19860729
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In this paper,the formation control and obstacle avoidance problems are dealt with a unified control algorithm,which allows the follower to avoid obstacle while maintaining desired relative bearing or relative distance from the leader.In the known leader-follower robot formation control literature,absolute motion states of the leader robot are required to control the followers, which may not be available in some environments.In this research,the leader-follower robot formation is modelled and controlled in terms of the relative motion states between the leader and follower robots.The absolute motion states of the leader robot are not required in the proposed formation controller.Furthermore,the research has been extended to a novel obstacle avoidance scheme based on sensing the relative motion between robot and obstacle.Experimental investigation has been conducted using the platform consisted of three nonholonomic mobile robots and computer vision system,and the results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed methods. In this paper, the formation control and obstacle avoidance problems are dealt with a unified control algorithm, which allows the follower to avoid obstacle while maintaining desired relative bearing or relative distance from the leader. In the known leader-follower robot formation control literature, absolute motion states of the leader robot are required to control the followers, which may not be available in some environments. in this research, the leader-follower formation is modelled and controlled in terms of the relative motion states between the leader and follower robots. The absolute motion states of the leader robot are not required in the proposed formation controller. Stillrther, the research has been extended to a novel obstacle avoidance scheme based on sensing the relative motion between robot and obstacle. Experimental cycle has been conducted using the platform consisted of three nonholonomic mobile robots and computer vision system, and the results have demonstra ted the effectiveness of the proposed methods.
1例51岁男性患者因鼻咽癌放、化疗后副鼻窦炎行手术治疗,术前术后均给予氨酚羟考酮(每片含盐酸羟考酮5 mg,对乙酰氨基酚325 mg)1片口服、3次/d。因镇痛效果不佳,加用普瑞巴林75 mg
1例69岁女性2型糖尿病患者因周围神经病给予α-硫辛酸注射液0.6 g入0.9%氯化钠注射液250 ml静脉滴注。停药18 h,患者于夜间突发冷汗,伴乏力、头晕和饥饿感。此后患者夜间反复出
1例78岁女性患者因高血压[196/93 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa)]予乌拉地尔注射液100 mg入0.9%氯化钠注射液250 ml缓慢静脉滴注以降压,控制滴速为40滴/min,滴注过程中若血压降至目标值
1例70岁男性2型糖尿病患者因血糖控制不佳,在既往口服盐酸二甲双胍治疗的基础上加用磷酸西格列汀(西格列汀)。用药16 d后,患者四肢出现红斑和水疱,伴瘙痒。实验室检查:白细胞计数12