时下,在这一片热热闹闹的新闻改革中,有一些地方让人多少感到些许“浮躁”,有“舍本逐末”之嫌。 其一是“同期声”采访的滥用。 在一些记者的概念中,广播电视新闻的现场感很重要。而体现现场感的唯一手段似乎只有“同期声”采访。于是不分场合,不分地点,不分情况,一律拿起话筒就提问。在多数情况下,由于准备不充分,认识不到位,问题提得比较“拙”或“虚”,而被采访者的回答也显得有些
Nowadays, in some bustling news reforms, there are some places that make people feel somewhat “impetuous” and suspicious of “going to the limit”. One is the abuse of “simultaneous sound” interviews. In the concept of some reporters, the sense of presence of radio and television news is important. And the only way to reflect the sense of presence seems to be only “simultaneous sound” interview. So regardless of occasion, regardless of location, regardless of circumstances, all picked up the microphone to ask questions. In most cases, due to inadequate preparation, lack of awareness, the problem is more “clumsy” or “virtual”, and the respondents also appear to be some of the answers