随着新世纪的到来和广播电视现代化步伐的加快,城市广电报如何调整自己,适应新的复杂情况,广电报人将经受更加严峻的挑战。城市广电报要想健康快速地发展,关键是要处理好前进过程中的一系列矛盾,把准自身的发展方向。 (1)处理好电视频道猛增与报纸版面有限的矛盾。广播
With the advent of the new century and the speeding-up of the modernization of radio and television, how Guangshengguangji will adjust itself to new complex situations and its broadcasters will face even more severe challenges. In order to develop healthily and quickly, the key to the city broadcasting and TV newspaper is to deal with a series of contradictions in the process of moving forward and align itself with the development direction. (1) Deal with the contradiction between the surge of television channels and newspaper layout. broadcast