Fluctuations of Single-Mode Laser Driven by Two Different Kinds of Colored Noise

来源 :Communications in Theoretical Physics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guo20
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A single-mode laser with coupling between additive and multiplicative noise terms is investigated when themultiplicative noise and the coupling between two noise terms are colored fluctuations with finite correlation times T_1 andT_2.Combining the unified colored noise approximation(UCNA)and the functional analysis,the stationary probabilitydistribution(SPD)and the variance of the laser intensity is derived.It is found that the colored nature of multiplicativenoise and the coupling strength between two noise terms can affect both the structure and the height of the SPD,whilethe colored nature of the coupling between two noise terms can only affect the height of the SPD.The multiplicative noisecan enhance the intensity fluctuations while the additive noise can reduce the fluctuations in a laser system.Numericalsimulations are presented and consistent to the analytical results. A single-mode laser with coupling between additive and multiplicative noise terms is introduced when they multiplicative noise and the coupling between two noise terms are colored fluctuations with finite correlation times T_1 and T_2.Combining the unified colored noise approximation (UCNA) and the functional analysis, the stationary probability distribution (SPD) and the variance of the laser intensity is derived. It is found that the colored nature of multiplicative noise and the coupling strength between two noise terms can affect both the structure and the height of the SPD, while the colored nature of the coupling Between two noise terms can only affect the height of the SPD. multiplicative noisecan enhance the intensity fluctuations while the additive noise can reduce the fluctuations in a laser system. Numericalumerulations are presented and consistent to the analytical results.
虽然不同的场地对打法的界定不再那么壁垒森严,但不同的赛事本身总有难以磨灭的秉性和传统。有些流传至今的规律依然让人匪夷所思, 其实是一种类似基因遗传的东西存在于场地
本标准适用于以磷矿石与含镁、硅的矿石,在高炉或电炉中经高温熔融,水淬、干燥和磨细所制得的钙镁磷肥,其用途为农业上作肥料。1 技术要求 1.1 外观:钙镁磷肥呈灰白色、灰绿
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