适时补施钾、硼肥钾肥有利于番茄着色,但应提前施足。因钾肥在施用后效果发挥较慢,若在番茄着色期补施往往起不到应有的效果,可于番茄结果初期开始随水冲施钾肥,每亩每次8~10千克。番茄缺硼常会使果实成批地出现绿背果,即红果上肩、背生绿斑,所以应在施基肥时每亩施硼肥0.8~1千克,或于第一穗花开放时起喷施硼肥3次,可用速乐硼1 500倍液或硼砂600倍液叶面喷洒,以促使番茄着色均匀。
Potassium supplementation at the right time, boron fertilizer is conducive to tomato coloring, but should be applied enough. Due to the effect of potassium in the application of slow play, if the tomato coloring period often fail to achieve the desired effect, you can start early in the tomato results with potassium fertilizer application, per acre 8 to 10 kg. Boron deficiency in tomatoes often makes the fruit appear in batches of green backs, that red fruit on the shoulder, back green spots, it should be applied in the base fertilizer 0.8 ~ 1 kg of boron per acre, or in the first spike flower spray Boron 3 times, can be used fast boron 1500 times or 600 times borax leaf spraying, in order to promote tomato coloring evenly.