生物样品中的微量铝可以用石墨炉无火焰原子吸收测定。近年来,Gorsky等人提出了血清、尿样不经消化处理,直接用石墨炉原子吸收测铝的方法。我们在研究铝于实验动物体内分布工作中,应用国产WFX-1B型原子吸收分光光度计和国产石墨管进行了血清及尿铝的测定,获得了满意的结果。报告如下。 材料与方法 一、仪器: WFX-1B型原子吸收分光光度计,氘灯背景校正系统。(北京第二光学仪器厂出品)
Trace amounts of aluminum in biological samples can be determined by graphite furnace flameless atomic absorption spectrometry. In recent years, Gorsky et al proposed serum, urine samples without digestion, direct graphite furnace atomic absorption method for the determination of aluminum. In our study on the distribution of aluminum in experimental animals, the domestic WFX-1B atomic absorption spectrophotometer and domestic graphite tubes were used for the determination of serum and urine aluminum, and satisfactory results were obtained. The report is as follows. Materials and Methods First, the instrument: WFX-1B atomic absorption spectrophotometer, deuterium lamp background correction system. (Beijing Second Optical Instrument Factory produced)