俗话说三十而立,进入中国市场已满30年的奥迪品牌,已凭借材质的精良、做工的精湛,成为公认的品质标杆。而本次奥迪A4L 30周年型的推出,更是为用户带来了无与伦比的越级驾乘体验2017年9月30日,奥迪A4L 30周年型正式上市,售价区间为29.28万元至40.98万元。作为豪华B级车市场的标杆之作,全新奥迪A4L自2016年9月上市以来,就以10大科技革新和40项变化,树立了新的市场标准,再次提升驾乘体验。此次,奥迪A4L 30周年
As the saying goes thirty, the Audi brand, which has been in the Chinese market for over 30 years, has become a recognized benchmark for quality with its excellent materials and exquisite workmanship. The Audi A4L 30 anniversary of the launch of this is even more for the user to bring an unparalleled driving experience more September 30, 2017, Audi A4L 30 anniversary of the official listing, the price range of 292,800 yuan to 409,800 yuan . As a benchmark for the luxury B-Class market, the new Audi A4L has set a new standard in the market with 10 major technological innovations and 40 changes since its launch in September 2016, further enhancing the driving experience. This time, the Audi A4L 30th anniversary