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保持共产党员先进性教育, 这一改革开放20多年来规模最大的党 内教育活动已在我们党内逐步展开。兵 团有近22万党员,他们是履行屯垦戍边 伟大历史使命的中坚力量。 何谓“先进性”?“先进”者,先行、先 导、先锋也,即走在前列的意思。相对于 人群而言,走在工人阶级前列,走在中华 民族前列;相对于历史而言,走在时代潮 流的前列,走在社会发展趋势的前列。理 论走在前列,觉悟走在前列,行动走在前 列。中国共产党党员不仅要从组织上入 党,而且要从思想上入党,永葆先进性。 共产党员的先进性是具体的、发展 的,也是与我们的生活、工作紧密相连 的。在平时,少有危难时刻的生死考验, 作为普通党员,“先进性”便体现在在各 自的岗位上脚踏实地、兢兢业业地做好 本职工作,争创一流的业绩,充分发挥先 锋模范作用。 前不久,在兵团召开的优秀共产党 员先进事迹报告会上,李梦桃、赵萍、卜 宪运、吾甫力·艾买尔、陈国跃、鞠爱华等 6位来自兵团不同行业、不同岗位的同 志,为与会者作了真切生动、感人肺腑的 报告。这6位优秀共产党员,在各自平凡 的工作岗位上,坚持理想信念,用自已的 实际行动实践着“三个代表”重要思想, 诠释着共产党员的深刻内涵,履行着入 党时的誓言,为兵团广大党员树立了榜 样。这一期,我们集中刊发他们的? To maintain the education of the advanced nature of party members, the largest party-wide education activity in the past 20 years since the reform and opening up was carried out within our party. There are nearly 220,000 members of the Corps, and they are the backbone for fulfilling the great historic mission of reclaiming and guarding the frontiers. What is “advanced” “advanced ” who, first, the pilot, pioneer also, that is in the forefront of the meaning. Relative to the crowd, walking in the forefront of the working class, walking in the forefront of the Chinese nation; relative to history, walking in the forefront of the trend of the times, walk in the forefront of social development trends. Theory at the forefront, consciousness in the forefront, action in the forefront. The Chinese Communist Party members must not only join the party from the organization, but also join the party ideologically to keep the advanced nature forever. The advanced nature of party members is concrete and developmental and closely linked with our life and work. At ordinary times, there are few tests of life and death at times of crisis. As an ordinary party member, “advanced nature ” is reflected in his steadfast work in his post, conscientiously doing his job, striving for first-class performance and giving full play to the vanguard and exemplary role. Not long ago, at the report of the advanced deeds of outstanding Communist Party members held by the Corps, six comrades from the Corps in different industries and in different posts, including Li Mengtao, Zhao Ping, Bu Xianyun, Wu Fuli Almey, Chen Guoyue and Ju Aihua, Made a vivid, touching report. The six outstanding Communist Party members, in their ordinary jobs, uphold their ideals and convictions and practice the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ with their own practical actions, interpreting the profound connotation of party members and fulfilling the vows of joining the party , Set an example for the vast majority of members of the Corps. This issue, we focus on their publication?