目的分析金华市2015—2016年疑似预防接种异常反应(AEFI)的监测结果。方法通过中国免疫规划信息管理系统,收集金华市2015—2016年报告的AEFI个案数据,采用描述流行病学方法进行分析。结果金华市2015—2016年报告AEFI共1 993例,估算报告发生率为34.45/10万,报告县和乡覆盖率均为100.00%,各项监测指标均达到国家监测方案的要求。报告病例男女性别比为1.30∶1,1岁以下儿童占总报告数的42.50%,5—8月报告数较多。个案分类中一般反应占91.57%,异常反应占6.42%,报告发生率最高的疫苗为百白破IPV和Hib五联疫苗(166例,报告发生率280.90/10万),最低的疫苗为脊灰减毒疫苗(31例,报告发生率4.24/10万),异常反应中临床诊断以过敏性皮疹为主,97.49%的AEFI治愈。结论金华市2015—2016年AEFI监测敏感性高,但还应进一步加强对AEFI监测处置的培训,提高AEFI监测管理水平。
Objective To analyze the surveillance results of suspected immunization inoculation (AEFI) from 2015 to 2016 in Jinhua City. Methods The data of AEFI cases reported in Jinhua City from 2015 to 2016 were collected through China’s immunization planning information management system and analyzed by descriptive epidemiological method. Results A total of 1 993 AEFI cases were reported in Jinhua City in 2015-2016, with an estimated incidence of 34.45 / 100 000. The coverage of county and township reporting was 100.00%. All monitoring indicators met the requirements of the national monitoring program. The reported male / female sex ratio was 1.30: 1. Children under the age of 1 accounted for 42.5% of the total number of reported cases, and reported more in May-August. In the case classification, 91.57% were general reactions and 6.42% were abnormal reactions. The vaccine with the highest reported incidence was IPB and Hib combined vaccine (166 cases, the reported incidence was 280.90 / 100000). The lowest vaccine was polio The attenuated vaccine (31 cases, the reported incidence of 4.24 / 100000), the main clinical diagnosis of anaphylactic allergy rash, 97.49% of AEFI cured. Conclusion The AEFI monitoring sensitivity in Jinhua City during 2015-2016 is high, but training on AEFI monitoring and disposal should be further strengthened to improve AEFI monitoring and management.