
来源 :中国科学(D辑:地球科学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangl3255
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我国的含油气沉积盆地以经历过多次构造与沉积叠加为特征,可用“叠合盆地”去统称那些由两种或两种以上类型的原型盆地叠加或复合在一起的盆地.这些盆地的特性可概括为“多期成盆、多期改造、多套烃源岩、多次生排烃、多期运聚散”.针对叠合盆地的特性,应用波动分析方法进行“成盆-成烃-成藏”过程分析,建立油气成藏体系理论将有助于提高此类盆地的油气勘探效率.以塔里木盆地为例,重点介绍当前在成盆、成烃及成藏研究过程中的重大进展.成盆研究进展有:(i)地球物理综合剖面揭示了塔里木板块向天山造山带的“层间插入消减”以及具有东西分段特征;(ii)沉积-地球化学综合剖面研究成果揭示了库车坳陷中新生代的演化阶段及盆地性质;(iii)野外调查及应力恢复结果显示,第四纪以来库车坳陷处于天山挤压隆升后的浅层重力伸展阶段.成烃研究进展有:(i)建立了海相碳酸盐岩优质烃源岩发育的环境指标;(ii)确立了有效碳酸盐岩烃源岩的有机质丰度下限.成藏研究进展有:(i)建立起适应不同条件下流体包裹体古压力与古温度确定方法;(ii)通过油源对比分析,指出轮南、塔河地区的原油可能源于中上奥陶统源岩;(iii)对轮南地区不同时代储层石油包裹体进行分期并探讨其形成时间. The petroleum-bearing sedimentary basins in China are characterized by a number of structural and sedimentary overlaps that can be collectively referred to as basins superimposed or compound by two or more prototype basins. It can be summarized as “multi-phase basin transformation, multiple sets of source rock, multiple hydrocarbon generation and discharge, multi-phase transport and dispersion.” According to the characteristics of superimposed basins, - Accumulation “process, the establishment of oil and gas accumulation system theory will help to improve the efficiency of oil and gas exploration in these basins.In this paper, taking Tarim Basin as an example, the current progress in the process of basin formation, hydrocarbon generation and hydrocarbon accumulation is highlighted (I) The integrated geophysical profile has revealed ”intercalation and subduction" of the Tarim plate to the Tianshan orogenic belt and has segmental features; (ii) The results of a sedimentary-geochemical composite profile study reveal that (Iii) field investigation and stress recovery results show that the Kuqa depression has been in the shallow gravitational extension stage after the Tianshan uplift since Quaternary. (Ii) Established the lower limit of organic matter abundance for effective source rocks of carbonate rocks, and the progress made in the research of reservoir formation includes: (i) ) Established the method of determining the paleo-pressure and palaeofluid of fluid inclusions under different conditions; (ii) According to the comparative analysis of oil sources, it is pointed out that the crude oil in Lunnan and Tahe areas may originate from Middle-Upper Ordovician source rocks; (iii) Oil stages of reservoirs staged in different periods in South China were staged and their formation time was discussed.
枸杞为茄科落叶小灌木,又名枸杞子、狗奶子根等,是著名的观果植物。枸杞的花期在6至9月,果期在9至10月,其叶、根、果实均可入药,盆栽时老根还可制成露根盆景。枸杞适应范围广,对土壤要求不严,耐干旱、瘠薄、盐碱、沙荒,以在通风良好的沙质壤土中生长最好。  繁殖经常采用的是扦插繁殖,具体方法是:  1.整好育苗地 育苗地深翻后,每亩施基肥1500至2000公斤或化肥100公斤,整平做厢。  2.采集插
从2003年开始,中国医药市场风起云涌;在此兴风作浪的力量有三股;一是来自上海的复星集团郭广昌;二是同样来自黄浦江岸的华源集团周玉成;三是来自西北边陲韵东盛集团郭家学。在这三股力量中,出身最为卑微的要算郭家学,在黄沙飞舞和终年缺水酌黄土高坡成长起来的郭家学,能够在中国资本市场和医药市场走到今天,不能不令人刮目相看!  几乎所有的制药企业都会在自己身上“高新技术“的标签,因此,人们普遍认为医药产业就