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他很温和,但他坚定的语气,让人感觉到力量;他很谦虚,但他敬业的精神,让人对法治充满信心;他,在中原经济区及富民强市战略大局中,肩负起保驾护航的时代重任。他,就是周口市委常委、政法委书记朱家臣。见到朱书记之前记者在想,这将是一个怎样的政法领军人物?他如何破解平安周口这样一个巨大的命题、巨大的难题?在建设平安周口的背后发生着怎样感人的故事?而这一切在结束对朱书记的采访后,有了答案——平安周口建设取得骄人的成就,正是牢牢把握了“服务经济求发展、服务人民保平安、服务社会促和谐、服务大局要稳定”这“四个服务”主旋律,正是在政法干警中叫响了“公正执法、一心为民、忠于职守、廉洁奉献”的周口政法精神。 He is very gentle, but his firm tone makes people feel the power; he is very modest, but his dedication and people full of confidence in the rule of law; he, in the Central Plains Economic Zone and the strategy of enriching the people and strengthening the city, to shoulder the escort Escort the important task of the times. He is Zhoukou Municipal Committee, Politics and Law Committee Secretary Zhu Jiachen. What kind of leader of politics and law will I see when I see Zhu Shuji? How can he crack such a huge proposition and huge conundrum of Ping Zhou Zhoukou? What is touching story behind the construction of Ping Zhou Weekly? All these At the end of the interview with Zhu Shuji, there is an answer - Ping An Zhoukou construction has made remarkable achievements, it is firmly grasp the “development of service economy and serve the people to ensure peace and harmony in society, serve the overall stability of the service ”This “ four services ”main theme, it is in politics and law enforcement officers called “ just law enforcement, wholeheartedly for the people, faithful to their duties, integrity ”Zhoukou political spirit.
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如今,临时工成了“高危岗位”。哪里有危险、哪里出了事儿,哪里就有临时工,临时工成了壁虎尾巴,遇袭就自断保命。可为什么出事的总是临时工?临时工到底怎么了? Today, tempo
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