目的:探讨海南地区妇女宫颈人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)的感染情况以及基因亚型的分布现状。方法:通过使用核酸分子快速导流杂交基因芯片技术对2009年3月~2011年3月12 826例女性患者的宫颈脱落细胞标本进行21种HPV基因型检测,分析HPV感染高危因素及宫颈病变中HPV亚型感染分布特点。结果:12 826例女性患者中,HPV(+)患者3 127例,阳性率为24.38%;其中HPV16(+)614例,占所有阳性患者的19.64%。多重感染类型中以二重感染比例最大,感染人数为235例,占HPV(+)患者的7.50%。结论:海南地区妇女人乳头瘤病毒以HPV-16为主要亚型,高危型HPV感染的比重随着子宫颈病变级别的增加而逐渐上升。
Objective: To investigate the status of HPV infection and genetic subtypes of women in Hainan Province. METHODS: Totally 21 HPV genotypes were detected in 12 826 female patients with cervical exfoliated cells from March 2009 to March 2011 by using the rapid flow-through hybridization cDNA microarray technology. The risk factors of HPV infection and cervical lesions were analyzed Distribution of HPV subtypes. Results: Among 12 826 female patients, 3 127 cases of HPV (+) were positive, with a positive rate of 24.38%. Among them, 614 cases were HPV16 (+), accounting for 19.64% of all positive cases. The highest rate of double infection was found in multiple infection types, with a total of 235 cases, accounting for 7.50% of patients with HPV (+). Conclusion: HPV-16 is the main subtype of HPV in women in Hainan Province. The proportion of high-risk HPV infection gradually increases with the increase of cervical lesions.