对小儿支原体肺炎并发纵隔及皮下气肿1例结合文献分析如下。1病历摘要男,6岁。因咳嗽、发热2 d,胸闷0.5 d,于2009-11-17入住我科,阵咳,较剧较频繁,咳剧时气喘气急,否认外伤史,查体:T39.8℃,R 32次/min,BP 117/65 mm Hg,神志清楚,精神萎靡,呼吸急促,无发绀,无鼻塞或吸气性三凹征
Mycoplasma pneumonia in children with mediastinal and subcutaneous emphysema in 1 case combined with the literature as follows. 1 medical record summary male, 6 years old. Due to cough, fever 2 d, chest tightness 0.5 d, admitted to our department 2009-11-17, cough, drama more frequently, cough drama gas shortness of breath, denied the history of trauma, examination: T39.8 ℃, R32 / min, BP 117/65 mm Hg, conscious, apathetic, shortness of breath, no cyanosis, no nasal obstruction or inspiratory trilobital sign