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50年前.一出“举国一致.共御外侮”的恢宏历史剧降下了最后的帷幕.中国人民取得了抗击日本帝国主义的伟大胜利.取得这个胜利的根本条件之一、就是我们有抗日民族统一战线这个法宝.抗日民族统一战线,作为克敌制胜的法宝.是在经过十年内战之后.当日本帝国主义大举入侵中国并决心灭亡中国的历史条件下,在国共两党重新合作的基础上建立起来的.国共两党不计前嫌.相互让步,再次合作,为民族的解放、国家的进步作出了各自应有的贡献.同时.抗日的统一战线是民族的.故它又是建立在全民族一致对外的基础上的,它包括全民族所有抗日的不同党派、不同阶级、 Fifty years ago, a grand historical play that “united the country and a total of foreign aggression” came to a final stop, and the Chinese people won the great victory against Japanese imperialism. One of the fundamental conditions for this victory is that we have an anti-Japanese national unity The Magic Front of the Anti-Japanese National United Front, as a Magic Weapon to Win the enemy’s Survivorship After a decade of civil war, under the historical conditions of Japan’s imperialist invasion of China and its determination to perish China, the anti-Japanese national united front was established on the basis of the re-cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party Both the Kuomintang and the Communist Party have made concerted efforts to cooperate with each other and make their due contribution to the liberation of the nation and the progress of the country, meanwhile, the united front against Japanese aggression is a nationality, and it is based on the unanimity of the entire nation On the basis of this, it includes all the different anti-Japanese all-ethnic parties, different classes,
<正> 今年五月,天津市举办了“戏曲推陈出新剧(节)目展览演出”,全部《宇宙锋》是我们天津市京剧团参加展览演出的剧目之一。《宇宙锋》是大家所熟知的梅兰芳先生代表作。戏
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