随着新世纪钟声的敲响,二十世纪最后一次国家艺术大展落下了帷幕,上百件雕塑专展实属首举,有很多雕塑家在此展会一展风采。处在二十一世纪的早晨,我们每一个从事雕塑创作的人员,都必须静心思考一番。 我们都知道欧洲雕塑在十七、十八世纪的衰退,原因是十七世纪贵族统治者的专制、私欲横生,雕塑行为都是为少数贵族栖身的建筑、娱乐场所的装饰服务的。由此产生了追求豪华与动势起伏装饰效果的“巴洛克”艺术和华丽而又繁琐的“罗
As the bell of the new century sounded, the last national art exhibition of the 20th century came to a close. Hundreds of pieces of sculpture exhibitions were taken as the first place, and many sculptors exhibited at this exhibition. In the morning of the 21st century, every one of us who engage in sculpture creation must meditate. We all know the decline of European sculpture in the 17th and 18th centuries because of the tyranny and lust of the 17th century aristocracy and the sculptural acts that serve the decoration of buildings and entertainment venues inhabited by a few noble people. As a result, the “baroque” art that pursues the effect of undulating luxury and dynamic decoration and gorgeous and tedious "Luo