1 临床资料 例1患者男性,25岁,歼-7飞行员,飞行时间400 h。1999年1月18日跑步训练到1 600 m时,感恶心,蹲下深呼吸,站起后感头晕,随即跌倒。意识丧失约1 min,无大、小便失禁。当时测血压、心率均正常。5日后送院。查体:血压120/76 mm Hg,心率76次/min,律齐,血糖、心电图、脑电图、
1 Clinical data Example 1 patients male, 25 years old, J-7 pilots, flying time 400 h. January 18, 1999 jogging training to 1 600 m, feeling nausea, squat deep breath, feel dizzy after standing, then fall. Loss of consciousness about 1 min, no large, urinary incontinence. At that time, blood pressure, heart rate were normal. 5 days after delivery to hospital. Physical examination: blood pressure 120/76 mm Hg, heart rate 76 beats / min, law Qi, blood glucose, electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram,