Angle estimation for bistatic MIMO radar with unknown mutual coupling based on three-way compressive

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:arthurpzl
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The problem of angle estimation for bistatic multipleinput multiple-output radar in the present of unknown mutual coupling(MC) is investigated, and a three-way compressive sensing(TWCS) estimation algorithm is developed. To exploit the inherent multi-dimensional structure of received data, a trilinear tensor model is firstly formulated. Then the de-coupling operation is followed. Thereafter, the high-order singular value decomposition is applied to compress the high dimensional tensor to a much smaller one. The estimation of the compressed direction matrices are linked to the compressed trilinear model, and finally two overcomplete dictionaries are constructed for angle estimation. Also,Cramer-Rao bounds for angle and MC estimation are derived. The proposed TWCS algorithm is effective from the perspective of estimation accuracy as well as the computational complexity, and it can achieve automatically paired angle estimation. Simulation results show that the proposed method has much better estimation accuracy than the existing algorithms in the low signal-to-noise ratio scenario, and its estimation performance is very close to the parallel factor analysis(PARAFAC) algorithm at the high SNR regions. The problem of angle estimation for bistatic multipleinput multiple-output radar in the present of unknown mutual coupling (MC) is investigated, and a three-way compressive sensing (TWCS) estimation algorithm is developed. To exploit the inherent multi-dimensional structure of received The high-order singular value decomposition is applied to compress the high dimensional tensor to a much smaller one. The estimation of the compressed direction matrices are linked to the compressed trilinear model, and finally two overcomplete dictionaries are constructed for angle estimation. Also, Cramer-Rao bounds for angle and MC estimation are derived. The proposed TWCS algorithm is effective from the perspective of estimation accuracy as well as the computational complexity , and it can achieve automatically paired angle estimation. Simulation results show that the proposed method has much bet ter estimation accuracy than the existing algorithms in the low signal-to-noise ratio scenario, and its estimation performance is very close to the parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) algorithm at the high SNR regions.
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多年来,语文界同仁最为头痛的莫过于语文教学效率不高这一顽症了。而在语文教学中,对教师而言,最难教的是作文,对学生来讲,最难写的也是作文。因此我们很有必要一起来探究这个“头痛”症的原因,对症下药,激发学生的写作兴趣。  一、学会观察,热爱生活  学生作文常见病症是言之无物或内容空泛。病因就是缺乏生活体验,未能很好捕捉生活现象。对要写的人、事和景物知之甚少或完全陌生。如何改变这种状况,学生不能把自己束