Biofilm is a microbial attachment that adheres to non-biological or biological surfaces and is formed from a matrix of polysaccharides, proteins, or nucleic acids. Biofilm structure helps to resist the body’s defense system and enhance the tolerance of pathogens to antibiotics, which is closely related to chronic and persistent infection. Bacterial vaginosis women vaginal mucosa and sexual partner urine sediment can detect Gardnerella biofilm. Metronidazole or moxifloxacin standard treatment, although the clinical symptoms disappear, but after stopping part of Gardnerella-based bacterial biofilms in the biochemical inactivation to be revived. Candida albicans biofilms were detected on the surface of IUD in patients with vulvovaginal candidiasis and in the mouse model of C. albicans vaginitis. Biofilm research will provide a new idea of vaginal inflammation.