应用苯来特(benomyl)和麦锈灵(benodanil)进行防治苗圃中的五种松苗的松一栎锈病(Cronatium quercuum f·sp·banksianae)试验。在松苗上接种病原菌的前后,分别用这两种杀菌剂浸透土壤。结果表明:对照区松苗和用苯来特处理的松苗发病最重,用麦锈灵处理的松苗却很少出现症状。
Benomyl and benodanil were used for the control of Cronatium quercuum f · sp banksianae in nursery of five pine seedlings. Before and after vaccinating the pathogen on pine seedlings, soak the soil with these two fungicides respectively. The results showed that the pine seedlings treated with benilantone and pine seedlings in the control area had the heaviest incidence and the pine seedlings treated with wheat rust seedling seldom showed symptoms.