数学教师的教学艺术 ,在某种意义上讲 ,是解题教学的艺术 .比如 ,教“无棱二面角”,你变戏法似的一下子就“变无棱为有棱”,“变无平面角为有平面角”,最困难的东西像“天上掉下的馅饼”似的 ,学生轻而易举的就得到了 ,数学课不学思维还学 (点 )什么呢 ?学思维 ,就是重思路分析 ,就是要关注思维的“序”,即“先想什么 ,再想什么”的问题 .教师则要处处启在点子上 :“怎样变无棱为有棱 ?”;棱上还缺一点 ,“怎样找到这另一点 ?”;用两条直线可以交得一点 ,这两线既要在两个面上 ,又要能相交 ,“你找哪两线呢 ?”又 ,“找 (作 )哪一个角作为平面角于计算最有利呢 ?”——这就是循循善诱 !本设计较充分的体现了这样一个特色 .学思维也要适当运用变式 ,关注解后的回顾、反思等 ,此处就不赘言了
The teaching art of mathematics teachers is, in a sense, the art of problem solving teaching. For example, if you teach “no cheeky dihedral angles”, your “juggler” will suddenly become “have no edge” and “changeless”. There are plane angles in the plane angle. The most difficult thing is like the “pie falling in the sky”. Students get it easily, and mathematics lessons do not learn to think but also learn (point) what? Learning thinking is just a matter of thinking. The analysis is to focus on the “preface” of thinking, that is, the question of “what to think first and then what to think about.” Teachers must indulge in the idea: “How can we change the shape of a limb?”; “How to find this one?”; with two straight lines you can make a point. These two lines must be on two sides and they must intersect. “Where are you looking for two lines?” Which angle is the most favorable angle for the calculation of the plane angle?" - This is a good idea! This design fully embodies such a characteristic. The thinking of the learners must also apply the variants properly. After reviewing the solution, review, reflection, etc. It’s not rumored