以耐盐性较强的‘SH-80’和耐盐性较弱的‘MT-65’花椰菜自交系为材料,研究了不同浓度盐胁迫对花椰菜苗期幼苗的叶长、叶宽、总干质量、地上部干质量、根干质量、根冠比和脯氨酸含量的影响。结果表明,随着盐胁迫浓度增加,‘SH-80’和‘MT-65’的叶长和叶宽显著减小,脯氨酸含量显著增加;生物量和根冠比变化因品种和盐浓度而异,总体为低浓度盐胁迫(68 mmol·L-1)抑制作用不大,甚至有促进作用,而高浓度盐胁迫(204 mmol·L-1)抑制作用较为明显。两个品种之间相比,盐胁迫对‘MT-65’幼苗生长的抑制作用显著高于‘SH-80’,脯氨酸含量则是显著低于‘SH-80’,表明,‘SH-80’的耐盐性明显高于‘MT-65’。花椰菜苗期叶长、叶宽与盐浓度显著负相关,脯氨酸含量与盐浓度极显著正相关。
The effects of salt stress on leaf length, leaf width and total leaf width of seedlings of cauliflower were studied with ’SH-80’ with high salt tolerance and ’MT-65’ cauliflower inbred lines with low salt tolerance. Dry mass, aboveground dry weight, root dry weight, root / shoot ratio and proline content. The results showed that the leaf length and leaf width of ’SH-80’ and ’MT-65’ significantly decreased and the content of proline increased significantly with the increase of salt stress concentration. The changes of biomass and root- However, the effect of low concentration salt stress (68 mmol·L-1) was not significant and even promoted. However, the effect of high concentration salt stress (204 mmol·L-1) was more obvious. Salt stress inhibited the growth of ’MT-65’ seedlings significantly higher than that of ’SH-80’ and proline content was significantly lower than that of ’SH-80’, indicating that ’SH- Salt tolerance of 80 ’was significantly higher than that of’ MT-65 ’. There was a significant negative correlation between leaf length and leaf width and salt concentration in cauliflower at seedling stage. There was a significant positive correlation between proline content and salt concentration.