目的 :研究 18三体腭裂小鼠实验动物模型的颅上颌复合体组织学发育异常。方法 :30对胎鼠 (每对包括 1只正常胎鼠和 1只与其体重相近的三体腭裂的胎鼠 )的颅上颌复合体分别作序列连续切片 (厚度 7μm) ,再从每组序列切片中选择 6张有特殊结构的特征切片 ,并借助显微形态学的研究手段对各特征切片中的特殊结构进行比较组织形态学观察研究。结果 :该模型虽无原发腭裂却伴有原发腭的发育不足 ;腭裂组上腭骨性结构及鼻中隔内硬组织 (包括鼻中隔软骨、鼻中隔旁软骨及犁骨等 )呈现明显的发育障碍 ;腭裂样本伴有明显的腭咽闭合不全 (VIP)鼻囊发育扁平。结论 :18三体腭裂小鼠颅上颌复合体的发育伴有严重的硬组织发育障碍和不足 ,可能与其常染色体三体密切相关。
Objective: To study the abnormalities of craniofacial complex histology in 18 animal models of cleft palate. Methods: The cranial maxillary complexes of 30 pairs of fetal rats (each pair including one normal fetus and one paw cleft fetus with similar body weight) were serially serial sections (7μm in thickness) In the selection of six characteristic sections with special structure, and by means of microscopic morphology of the various sections of the special structure of comparative study of histomorphology. Results: Although there was no primary cleft palate in this model, the development of palatal palate was not well developed. The cleft palate cleft palate bony structure and intranasal septum hard tissue (including nasal septal cartilage, nasal septum cartilage and vomer) Cleft palate samples accompanied by significant velopharyngeal insufficiency (VIP) developed flattened nasal sac. Conclusion: The development of cranial maxillary complex in the three-body cleft palate mice is associated with severe hard-tissue developmental defects and deficiencies, which may be closely related to autosomal trisomy.