Traditional Chinese medicine terminology more standards and inconsistent, some translations even contradictory. In addition to the translator’s factor, another important reason for this phenomenon is the inconsistent Chinese original standard of Chinese medicine. The terminology contains uncertainties at the Chinese level. However, at present, the researches on standardization of Chinese medicine mainly focus on the Chinese and the medical aspects, and do not consider whether Chinese terminology translates to ambiguity when translating to the outside world. The study of Chinese medicine international standards mainly starts from the level of translation, and lacks the Chinese medicine standards and Chinese medicine international standards Mutual reflection of the study. To discuss the standardization of English translation of Chinese medicine from the perspective of standardization, it is considered that the uniform and definite terminology of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is the basis for establishing a unified international standard for TCM terms. When developing TCM terminology standards, the translation dimension should be increased to ensure that terminology can not only accurately convey information internally, but also should not be ambiguous when translating. In addition, the study on the mutual reflection of the Chinese medicine standards and the Chinese medicine international standards should be strengthened, providing a new perspective for the research and policy making on standardization of TCM translation.