
来源 :中共山西省委党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ddy110110520
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加强校园创业文化建设是时代发展的需要,是实现应用型创业人才培养战略目标的重要保障,培养学生的创业意识、创新思维、创业技术与创业能力对校园创业文化显得尤为重要。在实践中由于创业文化建设体制不完善、氛围还不够浓厚,创业文化缺乏本土化基因等问题,使得一些高校校园创业文化建设滞后。为此,创新创业机制,构建有利于创业文化形成的科学机制;加强高校对创业的认识,营造校园创业文化建设氛围;丰富创业载体、提供创业文化实践的平台;坚持因地制宜打造校园创业文化特色品牌等是加强校园创业文化建设的有效途径。 It is necessary to strengthen the construction of entrepreneurial culture on campus and is an important guarantee to realize the strategic goal of cultivating applied talents. It is very important to cultivate students’ entrepreneurial awareness, innovative thinking, entrepreneurial skills and entrepreneurial competence. In practice, due to the imperfect institutional building of entrepreneurial culture, the atmosphere is not strong enough and the localization culture is lacking in the entrepreneurial culture, which lags behind some of the cultural construction of entrepreneurship in colleges and universities. To this end, innovation and entrepreneurship mechanism, to establish a scientific mechanism conducive to the formation of entrepreneurial culture; to strengthen the understanding of entrepreneurship in colleges and universities to create a culture of entrepreneurial culture on campus atmosphere; enrich entrepreneurial vector to provide entrepreneurial culture practice platform; adhere to local conditions to create campus culture characteristics of entrepreneurial brand It is an effective way to strengthen the construction of campus entrepreneurial culture.
【正】 动物内脏:这类食品含有丰富的胆固醇,其中百分之十是性激素和皮质类固醇激素。由于激素的作用,对性功能的改善有一定的帮助。但长期地、大量地摄取这类食物,也有可能
【摘 要】水利施工项目是由施工企业自施工承包投标开始到保质期满为止的全过程中完成的项目,施工企业项目管理的基本任务是进行施工项目的进度、质量、安全和成本目标控制,要实现这些目标,就要从施工项目管理抓起。施工方作为项目建设的一个参与方,其施工管理主要服务于项目的整体利益和施工方本身利益。  【关键词】水电施工;项目管理  面对日益激烈的市场竞争形势,如何大幅提升企业项目管理水平,降低施工成本,提高施