1999年《全国中考语文考试改革试点工作总结会综述》中“关于语文教学存在的问题”一栏有这么一段话 :“中小学语文教育教学中存在着人文精神淡化、听说能力弱化、阅读教学繁琐化、写作训练程式化等弊端———制约了儿童思维能力和创造性的发展 ,背离了语文教育的目的和语文学
In the “Summary of the Summary of the Tasks of the Language Teaching Reform in the National Examination for the Reform of Chinese Language Exams” in 1999, there is such a paragraph in the column “Problems concerning Chinese language teaching”: "There is a weakening of the humanistic spirit, a weakening of the listening and speaking ability, and a reading instruction in the Chinese language teaching in primary and secondary schools. The drawbacks of tediousness, stylized writing and training—limit the development of children’s thinking ability and creativity, and deviate from the purpose of language education and linguistics