
来源 :中学语文教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yourzhu
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杨斌兄: 你好! 最近这些年来,“语文的诗意”“诗意的语文”这样的话语,常常出现在语文报刊上或有识之士的口中。我生性愚钝,听起来的确有味,读起来也很有劲,可是过后一想,还是不得要领,什么是语文教学的诗意呢?语文教学的诗意在教学中怎样体现呢?怎样上出有诗意 Yang Binxiong: Hello! In recent years, such discourses as “language of the language” and “poetic language” have often appeared in the Chinese newspapers and magazines or in the mouth of insightful people. I am naturally stupid, it sounds tangible, and it is very strong to read, but afterwards, I still have to ask for a point. What is the poetic meaning of Chinese teaching? How does the poetic teaching of Chinese teaching be reflected in teaching? How does it show poetry?
当地时间3月7日,2017拉斯维加斯工程机械展(CONEXPO—CON/AGG 2017)在美国拉斯维加斯开幕。中联重科携混凝土机械、塔式起重机、干混砂浆设备、工业车辆四大类共计13款产品参