此项目选址在市中心一个略带坡度的区域,位于斯图加特欧洲区总规划图划定区域的中心地带。这个位于城市盆地内的区域南起斯图加特火车总站,北至北部边境的海尔布隆大街。建成之后,位于Mail(a|¨)nder Platz的斯图加特市图书馆由于其独有的设计与规模将会带动周边的发展,未来新的市中心将在此形成规模。它全新的面貌,以浅灰色清水混凝土结构的外墙和边长达45米的立方体磨砂玻璃砖特点呈现,无不向人们宣告了它的存在。
The project is sited in a slightly sloping area of the city center in the heart of the designated area of the European Plan of Stuttgart. This area within the city basin starts at Stuttgart Main Station and on the north to the northern border of Heilbronn. Upon its completion, the Stuttgart City Library in Mail (a.) Nder Platz will be revitalized by its unique design and scale, and the new city center will be built in the future. Its new look, with its light gray water-clear concrete facade and the 45-meter-long cubic frosted glass brick, is all about its presence.