这是一个被浓浓爱意温暖的冬日午后,这是一场星光闪烁的特殊比赛。1月15日下午的北京大学生体育馆,邱钟惠、庄则栋、邓亚萍、蔡振华、刘国梁、孔令辉,王楠、陈福寿、汤仙虎、叶钊颖、李永波、张宁……随着这一个接一个响亮的名字接连被唤起,三千多慕名而至的观众欢呼雀跃,偌大的体育馆激情荡漾,冬天的寒意被阵阵热浪驱散。 在体育馆里,一块醒目的红色背景板上,赫然写着两行白色的大字:让世界充满爱--中国乒乓球队和中国羽毛球队为印度洋海啸赈灾义赛,这便是让这个冬日下午升温的根源。
This is a strong love of the warm winter afternoon, this is a special flash of stars competition. On the afternoon of January 15, as Beijing University Gymnasium, Qiu Zhonghui, Zhuang Zendong, Deng Yaping, Cai Zhenhua, Liu Guoliang, Kong Linghui, Wang Nan, Chen Fushou, Tang Xianhu, Ye Zhaoying, Li Yongbo and Zhang Ning ... As the name of the loud one after another was evoked, More than three thousand attracted the audience cheering, huge stadium passionate waves, the winter chill was dissipated by waves of heat. On the eye-catching red background, there are two lines of white characters in the gym: The world is full of love - the Chinese table tennis team and the Chinese badminton team are helping the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster relief race. This is to let this winter afternoon heat up source.