出南宁城,行40余公里就到了扬美镇。扬美镇是一座古镇,依江而建,不仅有建于明代的古渡头,而且还完整地保留着清代一条街——临江街。 从码头弃舟登岸,拾级而上,迎面是一座乳黄色的牌坊,上书“临江街”三个黑色大字。穿牌坊而入,是一条青石板铺成的小路,宽约2米,两旁是棕色的木建筑民居,家家门口挂着红艳艳的灯笼。这便是临江街了。在这条街上。有清代的老房子、明代的老房子,还有曾经衣锦还乡的官宦们精心修建的深宅大院。如今既作民居,也供游人参观。与这些凝聚着的历史相映成趣的是摆在街上的小摊。小摊五花八门,有出售小镇地方特产酸菜、梅菜、豆豉的,也有经营各种小吃的,极富乡村特色。
Out of Nanning City, more than 40 kilometers to Yang Mei town. Yang Mei town is an ancient town, built by the river, not only built in the Ming Dynasty, the ancient ferry, but also a complete retention of the Qing Dynasty Street - Linjiang Street. Abandoned boat landing from the dock, up the stairs, the facade is a creamy arch, the letter “Riverside Street” three black characters. Went through the archway, is a bluestone paved path, about 2 meters wide, on both sides of the brown wooden houses, every family hung red lanterns. This is Linjiang Street. In this street There are the old house of the Qing Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty’s old house, as well as the well-known hometown officials who carefully built the courtyard house. Now as both residential, but also for visitors to visit. Side by side with these condensed history is the street stall. Small variety of stalls, the sale of local specialty town of pickled cabbage, pickled cabbage, also have a variety of snacks, very rural characteristics.