The U.S. Air Force is reviewing companies’ responses to requests for prototype pilot system simulations issued by the Air Force on April 14, 1995. The Air Force’s advanced airborne interceptor simulator (AAIS) will include radar capable of simulating airborne red, blue and gray threats Radiation and Communication / Navigation / Identification (CNI) Radiation According to Harold F. Casey, director of the ASIS program, the Air Force will receive seven radar pods and six CNI simulators, Those high-performance aircraft that test the ability of the U.S. system to deal with designated air threats will be the primary users of the Air Force’s Combat Test and Identification Command and will be installed on the centerline of the aircraft’s abdomen with In discovering Casey’s “smart radiation source,” the receiver processor and some other functions will use “other devices” to simulate (possibly including time / space position indicators) to reduce expenses. The pod will be available Reprogrammed to be able to copy a wide variety of threat systems.