Fabrication and performance of La_(0.8)Sr_(0.2)MnO_3/YSZ graded composite cathodes for SOFC

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ronaldocjz
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The performance of multi-layer(1-x)La_(0.8)Sr_(0.2)MnO_3/xYSZ graded composite cathodes was studied as electrode materials for intermediate solid oxide fuel cells(SOFC).The thermal expansion coefficient,electrical conductivity,and electrochemical performance of multi-layer composite cathodes were investigated.The thermal expansion coefficient and electrical conductivity decreased with the increase in YSZ content.The(1-x)La_(0.8)Sr_(0.2)MnO_3/xYSZ composite cathode greatly increased the length of the active triple phase boundary line(TPBL) among electrode,electrolyte,and gas phase,leading to a decrease in polarization resistance and an increase in polarization current density. The polarization current density of the triple-layer graded composite cathode(0.77 A/cm~2)was the highest and that of the monolayer cathode (0.13 A/cm~2)was the lowest.The polarization resistance(R_p)of the triple-layer graded composite cathode was only 0.182Ω·cm~2 and that of the monolayer composite cathode was 0.323Ω·cm~2.The power density of the triple-layer graded composite cathode was the highest and that of the monolayer composite cathode was the lowest.The triple-layer graded composite cathode had superior performance. The performance of multi-layer (1-x) La 0.8 Sr 0.2 (0.2) MnO 3 / xYSZ graded composite cathodes was studied as electrode materials for intermediate solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). The thermal expansion coefficient, electrical conductivity, and electrochemical performance of multi-layer composite cathodes were investigated. The thermal expansion coefficient and electrical conductivity decreased with the increase in YSZ content. (1-x) La 0.8 Sr 0.2 (0.2) MnO 3 / xYSZ composite cathode greatly increased the length of the active triple phase boundary line (TPBL) among electrode, electrolyte, and gas phase, leading to a decrease in polarization resistance and an increase in polarization current density. The polarization current density of the triple-layer graded composite cathode (0.77 A / cm ~ 2) was the highest and that of the monolayer cathode (0.13 A / cm 2) was the lowest. The polarization resistance (R_p) of the triple-layer graded composite cathode was only 0.182 Ω · cm 2 and that of the monolayer composite cathode was 0.323 Ω · cm ~ 2.The power density of the triple-layer graded composite cathode was the highest and that of the monolayer composite cathode was the lowest. Triple-layer graded composite cathode had superior performance.
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