Screening outcomes of household contacts of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients in Peshawar,Pa

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xixiangreng
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Objective:To assess the profile of TB/multidrug-resistant TB(MDR-TB) among household contacts of MDR-TB patients.Methods:Close contacts of MDR-TB patients were traced in the cross-sectional study.Different clinical,radiological and bacteriological were performed to rule out the evidence of TB/MDR-TB.Results:Between January 2012 and December 2012,a total of 200 index MDR-TB patients were initiated on MDR-TB treatment,out of which home visit and contacts screening were conducted for 154 index cases.Of 610 contacts who could be studied,41(17.4%) were diagnosed with MDR-TB and 10(4.2%) had TB.The most common symptoms observed were cough,chest pain and fever.Conclusions:The high incidence of MDR-TB among close contacts emphasize the need for effective contact screening programme of index MDR-TB cases in order to cut the chain of transmission of this disease. Objective: To assess the profile of TB / multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) among household contacts of MDR-TB patients. Methods: Close contacts of MDR-TB patients were traced in the cross-sectional study. Differentially clinical, radiological and bacteriological were performed to rule out the evidence of TB / MDR-TB. Results: Between January 2012 and December 2012, a total of 200 index MDR-TB patients were initiated on MDR-TB treatment, out of which home visit and contacts screening were conducted for 154 index cases.Of 610 contacts who could be studied, 41 (17.4%) were diagnosed with MDR-TB and 10 (4.2%) had TB.The most common symptoms observed were cough, chest pain and fever .Conclusions: The high incidence of MDR-TB among close contacts emphasize the need for effective contact screening program of index MDR-TB cases in order to cut the chain of transmission of this disease.
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