一、实验目的分子不断运动和分子间有间隔是初中化学重要的知识点之一,是学生认识微观世界的开始。人教版第三单元课题1只展示了分子运动的探究实验,没有给出如何做分子间有间隔的实验,许多教师在教学中将100 mL酒精和100 mL水混合于量筒中,来测定总体积是否等于200 mL的实验。从使用的效果来看,有如下几方面的不足:(1)现象不明显;(2)操作不简便;(3)浪费酒
First, the purpose of the experiment Molecular movement and intermolecular separation between the junior high school chemistry is one of the important points of knowledge, students recognize the beginning of the micro-world. PEP 3 Unit 1 shows only the exploratory experiment of molecular motion and did not give any experiments on how to make intermolecular separation. Many teachers in the teaching mix 100 mL of alcohol and 100 mL of water in a graduated cylinder to determine the total Whether the volume is equal to 200 mL experiment. From the use of the results, there are several deficiencies in the following areas: (1) the phenomenon is not obvious; (2) the operation is not easy; (3) waste wine