“毋庸置疑,建筑学和都市化是人类最伟大的成就。”——特里·法雷尔[1]英国建筑师特里·法雷尔(Terry Farrell)(图1)[2]是一名浪漫且富有个性的城市规划和建筑设计大师,他独特和充满创意的设计风格使他在英国乃至世界建筑设计界享有盛名。法雷尔有着与众不同的建筑设计观点,他一直着迷于历史、文脉,并认为建筑设计对一个城市的空间、形态、体量等构成的使用方式和产生的历史作
“There is no doubt that architecture and urbanization are the greatest accomplishments of mankind.” - Terry Farrell [1] British architect Terry Farrell (Figure 1) [2] Is a romantic and personality of urban planning and architectural master, his unique and creative design style made him in the United Kingdom and the world’s architectural design industry prestigious. Farrell has a distinctive architectural design point of view. He has always been fascinated by history and culture, and believes that the architectural design makes use of the space, shape and mass of a city and the history it produces