由Alstom公司为德国铁路 (DB)研制的Lirex低地板式高速内燃动车组样车已开始在德国各地区铁路网进行线路运行试验。一旦它获得德国铁路和德国联邦铁路管理局 (EBA)的批准 ,预计这种新的 2 80km/h的六节式列车将从 2 0 0 2年 8月份开始在德国萨克森—安哈尔?
The Lirex low-floor high-speed DMU prototype developed by Alstom for Deutsche Bahn (DB) has been tested for line operation in the railway networks in various regions of Germany. Once it is approved by the Deutsche Bahn and the German Federal Railroad Administration (EBA), the new 2 80km / h six-seater train is expected to start in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, starting from August 2002