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线叶菊又名免毛蒿、消疗草、惊草,菊科多年生草本,我省药源丰富,亦产于辽宁、吉林、内蒙古、山西,河北等省区。根据鉴定,牡丹江产线叶菊的原植物是 Filifolium sibricum(L)Kitam,经初步分析,含有挥发油、黄酮类、香豆精、鞣质、蒽醌甙、多糖及酸性成分等,以花中含量较多、叶次之,根中很少。滤纸片法、打洞法、挖沟法或试管法均证明:线叶菊全成分、水煎液(母液)和纯挥发油对金葡菌有高度抑菌作用,对乙型链球菌、伤寒杆菌、福氏痢疾杆菌中度敏感,对肺炎双球菌、绿脓杆菌、志贺氏及宋内氏痢疾杆菌等均不敏感,对青霉素耐药金葡菌仍有 Cinnamomum akae is also known as Artemisia halodendron, Herbal Herbs, Herba Epimedii, and the herb of the Asteraceae family. Our province has abundant medicinal sources and is also produced in Liaoning, Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi and Hebei provinces. According to the identification, the original plant of the chrysanthemum of the Mudanjiang production line is Filifolium sibricum (L) Kitam. After preliminary analysis, it contains volatile oil, flavonoids, coumarin, tannins, alfalfa, polysaccharides, and acidic components. Many times, followed by leaves, few in roots. The filter paper method, hole-drilling method, trenching method or test tube method all prove that: the full composition of stevia, decoction (mother liquor) and pure volatile oil have a high degree of bacteriostatic action against S. aureus, against Streptococcus b, Salmonella typhi, Shigella flexneri is moderately sensitive, and is not sensitive to Streptococcus pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Shigella, and Shigella dysenteriae; it is still resistant to penicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
丹参,又名紫丹参,为唇形科植物丹参(Solvia miltiorrhiza Bunge)的干燥根,其昧苦,性微寒(也有称性平者)入心肝二经。自三十年代起,对其成分,药理及临床应用等已有不少研究。
马蔺子甲素(简称甲素)系从中草药马蔺(Iris pallasii Fischer)种子中提取的一种苯醌类化合物,其结构式为: Horse erinacein (A) is a benzoquinone compound extracted fro
1969年McCord及Fridovich由牛细胞纯化超氧化物岐化酶(Superoxide dismutase EC. 1. 15. 1. 1),简称SOD。SOD的生物学作用在于保护机体、细胞免受超氧自由基(O_2~-)的毒害:
NTRODUCTIONTheefectoftraditionalyinhalationalanesthetichalothaneandnewdrugsevofluraneonmitochondrialmembraneisreportedbelowi... NTRODUCTIONTheefectoftraditionalyinhalationalanesthetichalothaneandnewdrugsevofluraneonmitochon─drialmembraneisreportedbelowi
[目的]据文献报导,现已确认在人参盐酸缓冲液(Tris—Hcl buffer)抽出液中,存在着促进大鼠肝细胞RNA合成的物质,并以促进RNA或者促进血清蛋白合成作为生物活性的指标,对生物