红花铁线莲是我园近年来引种成功的一种新的园林花卉。红花铁线莲(Clematis texensis)是毛莨科多年生攀援草本植物,原产在美国得克萨斯州中部和东北部黑钙土地区,生长在林缘溪流边,喜温暖湿润环境。蔓生茎柔弱纤细,自春夏至秋季开放出鲜红艳丽的垂悬花朵;盛夏,球果在扶疏青翠的叶丛中与红花相配,显得美丽可爱。北美和西欧各地都有种植,广泛用做街道、围墙、阳台、灯柱、凉亭等处的垂直绿化材料,也可供做假山、岩石或树桩盆景陪衬绿化材料。育苗北京植物园1973年开始引种。种子育苗可在冷室盆播或露天畦播。一般情况下,种子要经过第2个冬季的低温后才能出苗。
Safflower Clematis is my garden in recent years the successful introduction of a new garden flowers. Clematis texensis is a perennial climbing herbaceous Ranunculaceae native to Texas, central and northeastern United States Chernozem region, growing in the edge of the edge of the forest, like warm and humid environment. Man-made stems delicate and delicate, since the spring and autumn to open the bright red hanging flowers; summer, the cones in the ease of green leaves and safflower match, it is beautiful and lovely. It is widely planted in North America and Western Europe. It is widely used as vertical greening materials for streets, walls, balconies, lamp posts, pavilions, etc. It is also used for afforesting rockery, rock or tree bonsai with greening materials. Breeding Beijing Botanical Garden in 1973 introduction. Seedling nursery can be potted in the cold or opencast sowing. Under normal circumstances, seed to go through the second winter after the low temperature emergence.