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目的通过检测深圳市孕妇尿碘水平,评价深圳市孕妇的碘营养状况,为科学补碘和防治碘缺乏病提供依据。方法在每个区东、西、南、北、中5个方位各随机抽取1个街道(不足5个时全部抽取),在所抽取的每个街道各随机抽取20名孕妇(每个区尿样不低于100份),检测尿碘,计算尿碘中位数。结果共采集检测孕妇尿碘600份,其中位数为154.3μg/L,四分位数区间为89.5~248.4μg/L。尿碘含量<150μg/L有290份,占48.4%;150~249μg/L有161份,占26.8%;250~500μg/L有98份,占16.3%;>500μg/L有51份,占8.5%。各区孕妇尿碘水平、不同孕期孕妇碘水平差异无统计学意义。结论深圳市孕妇碘营养总体处于适宜水平,但有2个区尿碘中位数<150μg/L,提示轻度碘营养不足,有必要推出含碘量更高的孕妇专用盐。 Objective To evaluate the status of urinary iodine in pregnant women in Shenzhen and to evaluate iodine nutrition in pregnant women in Shenzhen and to provide basis for scientific iodine supplementation and prevention of iodine deficiency disorders. Methods Randomly select 1 street (less than 5 in all) in each of the five directions of East, West, South, North and Central of each district, and select 20 pregnant women randomly from each street Not less than 100), urinary iodine was measured to calculate urinary iodine median. Results Urine iodine was detected in 600 pregnant women with median of 154.3 μg / L and interquartile range of 89.5 ~ 248.4 μg / L. There were 290 cases with urinary iodine <150μg / L, accounting for 48.4%; 161 cases with 150 ~ 249μg / L accounting for 26.8%; 98 cases with 250 ~ 500μg / L accounting for 16.3%; 51 cases with> 500μg / L accounting for 8.5%. Urinary iodine levels in pregnant women in different districts, pregnant women with different levels of iodine difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion The iodine nutrition of pregnant women in Shenzhen is generally at an appropriate level, but the median urinary iodine in two districts is less than 150μg / L, suggesting mild iodine deficiency and it is necessary to introduce pregnant women with higher iodine content.
目的 为了提高饮用水水源水中微量有机污染物的去除效果,探索简便、经济、实用的去除方法,提高饮用水质量,保护饮用水安全.方法 采用高锰酸钾在不同条件下,即酸性、中性和碱