建立了植物油中的3种抗氧剂BHA、BHT和TBHQ同时快速测定的毛细管气相色谱方法。方法采用了Agilent HP 19091J-413柱(30m×320μm×0.25μm);程序升温:150℃,保持5min,5℃/min升至250℃,保持5min;进样口温度230℃;检测器温度250℃;柱前压40kPa;气体流速:氮气为25mL/min,氢气为30mL/min,空气为400mL/min;进样量1μL;分流比20∶1。加标回收率达到91.67%~99.37%,相对标准偏差在0.9%~3.8%。该方法样品预处理简便,试剂耗用少,分析时间短,显著提高了检测的效率。
A capillary gas chromatography method was developed for simultaneous and rapid determination of three antioxidants BHA, BHT and TBHQ in vegetable oils. The method was performed on an Agilent HP 19091J-413 column (30 m × 320 μm × 0.25 μm); programmed temperature ramp: 150 ° C for 5 min, ramp 5 ° C / min to 250 ° C for 5 min; inlet temperature 230 ° C; detector temperature 250 ℃; column pressure 40kPa; gas flow rate: nitrogen 25mL / min, hydrogen 30mL / min, air 400mL / min; injection volume 1μL; The spiked recoveries reached 91.67% ~ 99.37% with relative standard deviations of 0.9% ~ 3.8%. The method has the advantages of simple pretreatment, less reagent consumption, short analysis time and remarkably improved detection efficiency.