什锦蜜枣羹 原料:大蜜枣250克,金桔脯少许,蜜饯青梅、葡萄干、糖水樱桃、糖水梨、糖水桃、糖水苹果、米仁、糖佛手、糖桂花各少许,湿淀粉适量,白糖200克。 制法:1)将米仁淘洗干净放入碗中,装入笼屉蒸酥,取出晾凉。蜜枣剔去核,切成丁。 2)把金橘脯、青梅、葡萄干、樱桃、苹果、佛手、梨、桃均切成碎丁。湿淀粉放入干净的容器中,用清水漂清。 3)取锅上火,放入适量清水,加入白糖烧开后,用勺撇去浮沫,加入湿淀粉调匀成薄羹,再把蜜枣丁、金
Assorted candied dates Ingredients: 250 grams of big candied fruit, a little candied fruit, sweet plum, raisins, sugar cane, sugar pear, sugar peach, sugar apple, rice kernels, sugar bergamot, . System of law: 1) Amoy Amoy clean into the bowl, into the cage draw steam, remove and let cool. Candied pick out the nucleus, cut into small. 2) Kumquat, plum, raisins, cherries, apples, bergamot, pear, peach are cut into small pieces. Wet starch into a clean container, rinse with water. 3) take the pot lit, add the right amount of water, add sugar boil, skim skimmer with a spoon, add wet starch and mix thoroughly into a thin soup, and then sweet dates Ding, gold