On Culture Teaching in Foreign Language Classes

来源 :读与写(教育教学刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ren584521
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The paper discusses the importance of culture teaching in both the learners’ language skill-getting stages and their skillusing stages,and dwells on some teaching approaches that not only aim at enriching the learners’ cultural knowledge but also at improving their cultural competence.The paper also offers some teaching guidelines to facilitate culture teaching in a communicative English class. The paper discusses the importance of culture teaching in both the learners ’language skill-getting stages and their skillusing stages, and dwells on some teaching approaches that not only aim at enriching the learners’ cultural knowledge but also at improving their cultural competence. The paper also offers some teaching guidelines to facilitate culture teaching in a communicative English class.
目的:观察综合疗法加盒灸治疗急性期腰椎间盘突出症的临床疗效,探讨盒灸在综合治疗的基础上对急性期腰椎间盘突出症的治疗是否有增效的作用。  方法:使用随机、对照、单盲的研
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玉米雄穗比雌穗一般早3-5天抽出。雄穗抽出后,可以根据其主轴长短、粗细及小穗、花药、颖壳等形状,预测果穗和子粒的形状,这对玉米育种工作是很有帮助的。 (一)生育期识别:
一、魏?杰(Nigel Wiseman 简介)  (Nigel Wiseman,1954-),英国著名中医翻译专家,1976年在爱丁堡海瑞尔沃特大学(Herriot Watt University)本科毕业,获西班牙语、德语翻译学士学位。现在
As it is commonly agreed that language shoule be taught in the context of culture,what kind of culture to be chosen,how to provide relevant culture input in EFL